Guy Carvalho

1st December, 2021

A respected leader in public and private companies throughout Asia, Guy is someone for whom breakthrough thinking and ideas are intrinsic. Highly commercial and entrepreneurial, Guy is always five steps ahead of the curve solving systemic customer and industry challenges. Guy combines insight, creativity, data and technology to help unlock value and growth that is human centred, transformative and sustainable. Guy is guided by a mission and set of values that are focused on a higher-order approach to growth and draws upon his significant expertise in banking and large-scale global transformation to deliver exceptional outcomes. His expertise extends from lifting corporate performance to capturing the full potential of technology and the digital economy through start-ups. Throughout his career, Guy has led numerous due-diligence and restructuring efforts as well as guided complex transformations across multiple countries. A passionate, hard-working and savvy leader, Guy possesses a rare ability to analyse the big picture as well as the critical detail which ensures everyone is always kept on their toes! Guy’s naturally warm and engaging style engenders confidence and positivity from all who are fortunate to enter his orbit.

What's a
Restricted ADI?

International Bank of Australia is authorised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to operate under a Restricted Authorised Deposit-taking Institution licence until 2nd November 2024. Under this authority International Bank of Australia has restrictions on the amount of deposits it can take. Under this restricted licence International Bank of Australia is not required to meet the full ADI prudential framework and will not be offering banking products to the general public.

International Bank of Australia has put in place arrangements to protect customers in the event it is required by APRA to discontinue banking business and exits the banking industry. This includes:

- International Bank of Australia being required by APRA to contact customers to advise how they are impacted, e.g. deposits may be returned or transferred to another bank;
- the Banking Act 1959 provisions for the protection of depositors apply to International Bank of Australia; and
- International Bank of Australia is covered by the Australian Government Financial Claims Scheme (FCS). The FCS applies only to protected accounts. It is important customers check the terms and conditions of their specific product to determine if it is protected under the FCS.

You can read more about how banks are licensed on this page on the APRA website:
Licensing guidelines for authorised deposit-taking institutions | APRA
Please reach out to us if you have further questions.  You can use the ‘Contact Us’ form to ask us any questions you have.

your Interest

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